Solar Evacuated Tubes

Evacuated Tubes Perth – Solar Hot Water

Evacuated tubes (aka vacuum tube) heat pipe solar collectors provide more output in Perth when you need it!

Australian Engineered over 30 years ago, the vacuum around each tube provides a ‘thermos’ effect. This insulates against wind and cool air from detracting away from the suns heating capability.

Apricus Tubes Perth

How they work:

  1. The evacuated tube solar collector captures the sun’s light and heat energy
  2. A Circulator pushes water through the solar collector, transferring the captured heat into the water
  3. The heat is then stored in a tank, which continually heats throughout the day
  4. Hot water is drawn from the storage tank into the household

For the discerning investor Evacuated Tubes installed by URECO is a wise choice to save you more!


See in more detail how Evacuated Tube Systems work here

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Call us now on (08) 6222 6676