EnviroHeat and EnviroSun HP Plus – Energy Efficient Heat Pumps

Enviro Heat Pump Range; Top Value and Fantastic Local Support

The EnviroHeat unit has now been upgraded to the EnviroSun HP Plus range.


Their reliability has now been backed by a longer warranty, of up to 7 years!


Envirosun, a Perth based company, has also made some other fantsatic improvements:

  • Moved to a natural refrigerant, referred to as R-290.

  • An improved interface / display with built in easy to set timer, ideal for operation with solar power

  • Clever condenser coil design for optimum heating and longevity.

  • 10A plug top ready, ideal for new builds or replacing gas continuous flow units!


These systems come in two different sizes; The 200 litre is ideal for 1 to 3 people in the house, while the 330 litre is suited for 3 or more household size.


Obtain a quote right now, all the product specifications, plus a buyers guide.


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